About the Author

My name is Seth, I am primarily a back-end software developer who specializes in Node.js and Python (to a lesser extent); however, I also have experience with 2D and 3D game development in Unity utilizing C#, mobile app development using Swift, Java, and Apache Cordova, as well as front-end web development using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and HandlebarsJS. Depending on the project I have used MongoDB and various SQL databases, though I prefer to use MongoDB when working in Node.js (since Mongo databases store data in JSON which works well with Node.js).

I first began software development sometime in middle school, but became more serious about it during my sophomore year of high school. While taking computer classes during high school, I learned about Java, Unity game development, and the MEAN stack (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS), though I do not use Unity or Java often, I regularly work with NodeJS. Throughout all four years of high school I also ran cross country for my school and achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in my senior year of high school through the Boy Scouts of America.

When I began to attend my university as a freshman, I wrote an application which enabled the university to track attendance for large events (before the first semester had finished) utilizing the knowledge I had learned in my high school classes. Upon presenting the application to my universities internal IT department I was offered a job as a student software developer by the university where I was able to learn about industry standard technologies that are not necessarily taught in most schools such as Git.

At the start of my junior year in university I was allowed to implement the attendance tracking application and integrated it with the university's current system to ensure a graceful transition. Unfortunately, the system is no longer in use at the university, though while my system was in place it saved the university $9,000 per year (not including the cost of additional labor which the old system required).

I still create various coding projects in my spare time and hope to share them with you all!